Face Mask Disposable Filter


Disposable face mask filters made of 100% virgin polypropylene filtration material usable for masks (a type of HEPA [high efficiency particulate air] filter)

Only fits shaped masks.


SweetB Face Mask* follows the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC). CDC recommend wearing face covering in public settings along with practicing social distancing. Fabric mask wearing is to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus when worn properly. Wash hands before putting on mask and wash hands after removing mask.

SweetB fabric mask is a non-medical mask. The mask is constructed with a breathable and washable layer of 100% cotton fabric, 100% polypropylene material for added protection, elastic straps and an adjustable nose guard. The mask is equipped with a pocket to insert a disposable filter. SweetB masks are made in a clean and sanitary environment.

Filters – Do not re-used or wash. Suggested items that can be used as a filter (not an inclusive list):
- Coffee filter
- Shop towels (from auto store)

*SweetB Designs is not an authorized medical or health authority. SweetB makes NO claim this mask will protect from contracting coronavirus/COVID-19.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz

Medium – Depth 5", Large – Depth 5.5"

Order Quantity

10 Disposable Filters


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